alMahdi Library is a specialized collection of books on Imam Mahdi (a.s.), the twelfth Imam of Shia Muslims in Arabic.
The library is published by The centre of Specialist Studies at Imam alMahdi (atf)
App interface supports Arabic and Farsi.
- Book list and search
- Easy book reading and bookmarks
- Control the size of fonts and easy navigation
- Full text search
- Books are downloaded when needed
- Sync and updating of edited books or new books added
The Centre of Specialist studies at Imam alMahdi (atf):
The idea of Al-Imam Al- Mahdi(atf)is one of the most important topics presented on the scientific field with its various doctrines ,ideologies and philosophical trends. The all believes in the promised Day ,a day which is justice, prosperity and happiness of all mankind will be fulfilled , but they differ according their school _whether they are depending on bias or subjective criterion_ in the character which achieve this Global government
The most prominent theory at that level- I mean diagnosing adequate character to carry all these burdens and performing this function, which all the mankind aspires - is the thesis of the rightful doctrine of Shiite .
Responsibly speaking we can say that Twelfth Imamate Shiite theory in identifying this character is the suitable theory which is in harmony with human instinct from one side and lots of acceptable texts on another side .
This what we seek to make it a basic truth a studied movement adopted by our centre depending upon in its addressing rationality and agreed upon and correct inheritance.
Also we cannot ignore the impact of emotional side in forming the new ,rational and meaningful form of Muslims' mind .
Thus we take this in consideration and give it priority in the purposeful movement of the centre.
alMahdi Library adalah koleksi khusus buku-buku tentang Imam Mahdi (as), Imam Keduabelas Muslim Syiah di Arab.
Perpustakaan ini diterbitkan oleh Pusat Studi Spesialis di Imam alMahdi (ATF)
App antarmuka mendukung bahasa Arab dan Farsi.
- Daftar Buku dan pencarian
- Buku Mudah membaca dan bookmark
- Mengontrol ukuran font dan navigasi yang mudah
- Pencarian teks lengkap
- Buku-download bila diperlukan
- Sync dan memperbarui buku diedit atau buku-buku baru ditambahkan
Pusat studi Spesialis di Imam alMahdi (ATF):
Ide Al-Imam Al-Mahdi (ATF) adalah salah satu topik yang paling penting disajikan pada bidang ilmiah dengan berbagai doktrin-doktrin, ideologi dan tren filosofis. Semua percaya pada dijanjikan Day, hari yang adalah keadilan, kemakmuran dan kebahagiaan seluruh umat manusia akan terpenuhi, tetapi mereka berbeda sesuai _whether sekolah mereka tergantung pada bias atau criterion_ subyektif dalam karakter yang mencapai pemerintahan global ini
Teori yang paling menonjol pada tingkat-maksudku mendiagnosis karakter cukup untuk membawa semua beban ini dan melakukan fungsi ini, dimana semua umat manusia bercita-cita - adalah tesis dari doktrin sah Syiah.
Tanggung Jawab berbicara kita dapat mengatakan bahwa teori Imamah Syiah Twelfth dalam mengidentifikasi karakter ini adalah teori yang cocok yang selaras dengan naluri manusia dari satu sisi dan banyak teks yang dapat diterima di sisi lain.
Ini apa yang kita cari untuk membuat suatu kebenaran dasar gerakan dipelajari diadopsi oleh pusat kami tergantung di rasionalitasnya menangani dan disepakati dan warisan yang benar.
Juga kita tidak bisa mengabaikan dampak dari sisi emosional dalam membentuk bentuk baru, rasional dan bermakna pikiran umat Islam.
Jadi kita mengambil ini dalam pertimbangan dan memberikan prioritas dalam gerakan terarah dari pusat.
alMahdi Library is a specialized collection of books on Imam Mahdi (a.s.), the twelfth Imam of Shia Muslims in Arabic.
The library is published by The centre of Specialist Studies at Imam alMahdi (atf)
App interface supports Arabic and Farsi.
- Book list and search
- Easy book reading and bookmarks
- Control the size of fonts and easy navigation
- Full text search
- Books are downloaded when needed
- Sync and updating of edited books or new books added
The Centre of Specialist studies at Imam alMahdi (atf):
The idea of Al-Imam Al- Mahdi(atf)is one of the most important topics presented on the scientific field with its various doctrines ,ideologies and philosophical trends. The all believes in the promised Day ,a day which is justice, prosperity and happiness of all mankind will be fulfilled , but they differ according their school _whether they are depending on bias or subjective criterion_ in the character which achieve this Global government
The most prominent theory at that level- I mean diagnosing adequate character to carry all these burdens and performing this function, which all the mankind aspires - is the thesis of the rightful doctrine of Shiite .
Responsibly speaking we can say that Twelfth Imamate Shiite theory in identifying this character is the suitable theory which is in harmony with human instinct from one side and lots of acceptable texts on another side .
This what we seek to make it a basic truth a studied movement adopted by our centre depending upon in its addressing rationality and agreed upon and correct inheritance.
Also we cannot ignore the impact of emotional side in forming the new ,rational and meaningful form of Muslims' mind .
Thus we take this in consideration and give it priority in the purposeful movement of the centre.